‘Water Walkers’ distributing water purification systems


A local couple is distributing Berkey water purification systems in the area.

Hazel and Tom Looyenga of Water Walkers Global are firm believers that the systems can help improve people’s health by enhancing the quality of the water in their home.

Here is a commentary, written by Tom, which provides more details:

Life doesn’t always give us what we expect. A good idea for someone may not be one for you or me.

What is even more difficult to understand is a plan that is supposed to help you, having negative consequences that affect your health and well-being adversely. For example: well water becoming undrinkable. From a local perspective, when you have chosen a ‘green’ alternative that has resulted in polluted water, ideally the government would compensate but often we are left to find our own solutions.

Water Walkers Global (our company) is on-line and sourced near you. We are authorized distributors for Berkey water purification systems recognized by Red Cross, Unicef and other emergency relief organizations that provide drinking water in a time of crisis/disaster where water is unfit for consumption. Our Berkey water systems purify any water source fully & effectually.

Hazel and I (Tom) have been using the Berkey water purification system for four years because our municipality adds toxic ingredients to the water. We know how necessary it is for good health to have water that is free of toxic chemicals, viruses and bacteria that would have us in a state of ill health. We have been thrilled with the taste and quality of our Berkeys and have watched our health steadily improve!

Visit us on line at https://waterwalkersglobal.com or email us at tomandhazel@waterwalkersglobal.com for more information.

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