Take your ‘cold snap’ and…

By Glen Turner – Special to the Sydenham Current

Sometimes words are REALLY meant to confuse us.

They (the ubiquitous ‘they’) have been using the term ‘cold snap’ to describe the last couple of weeks.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no…

When you break a bean in half… that’s a snap.

If I rub my thumb and middle finger together quickly… that’s a snap.

Notice how the use of the word ‘snap’ is about something quick, short… and something you’d want to repeat.

This last little while has been extended numbing, chilling and freezing temperatures, and does NOT qualify as a ‘snap’.

It wasn’t a ‘snap’ to live through it, endure it

Or even appreciate it.

Ok, ok… the lighter side about the ‘cold snap.’

– You didn’t have to cut your lawn.

– You didn’t have to weed your garden

– You hopefully didn’t have to work outside.

– You didn’t have to spend money on sunscreen.

– And, most important, you haven’t seen a flea, a tick or a mosquito in a long time.

Does that balance it out?


It is just too freakin’ COLD!

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