First World Problems

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

A new law came into effect on January 1st in the state of Oregon.

Gas stations in rural communities with a population less than 40,000 can now choose to abandon the full-service model and let customers do the pumping themselves.

The new law has sparked outrage from citizens in this Pacific Northwest state.

Many took to Twitter and Facebook to voice their displeasure, stating that they did not want to arrive at work with the smell of gas on their hands, or touch a pump handle laden with the germs of thousands before them.

One lady, 62, said she had never pumped gas before and wouldn’t know where to begin.

The kicker, though, came from someone who said they flat out refused to pump their own gas.

They had to do it once in California, where, apparently, they had almost died doing this hazardous job.

Their solution was to simply drive into the gas station, park, and wait until someone else did the pumping for them.

This ridiculous situation in Oregon is a perfect example of what some would call a “first world problem.”

If this was sub-Saharan Africa, or the slums of Calcutta, this would not be news because most people there are too poor to even own a bicycle, let alone a car.

Getting food for their family each day is the task that tops the list of priorities for them.

Folks, this story alerts me to the fact that we all need to show a bit more gratitude for the incredibly blessed life we have here in North America.

The apostle Paul said it simply in 1 Thessalonians 5:18: “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

Practice a little gratitude this week while you’re at the gas pump, otherwise your wife might make you take your bike to work!

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