Sydenham Sauna Co.

✨ Maximize Skin Exposure to Heat: To get the most out of your sauna session, ensure maximum skin exposure to heat. This means wearing minimal clothing or a towel to allow the heat to penetrate your skin and promote sweating, helping to flush out toxins and rejuvenate your skin.

⏰ Maintain a Regular Schedule and Routine: Consistency is key! Make sauna sessions a regular part of your wellness routine to experience the full benefits. Whether you prefer a morning sweat session to kickstart your day or an evening unwind, find a schedule that works for you and stick to it.

🧘‍♀️ Stretch Out or Lay Down: Fully relax and let the heat work its magic by stretching out or laying down in the sauna. This can help release tension in your muscles and improve blood circulation, enhancing the detoxifying effects of your session.
Made in Wallaceburg, On.

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