Foundations of a better golf swing

Steve W Tooshkenig
Steve W Tooshkenig

By Steve W. Tooshkenig – Special to the Sydenham Current

This article I want to focus on four major areas of the golf swing. These four habits are necessary from top to bottom. Will go through each area with clarity and how each area will benefit your golf swing.

The first area of focus is your balance as in life we all need a healthy balance, this allows us to be focused on our goals and expectations. Balance in your golf swing doesn’t just start before you hit the golf ball it must be maintained upon completion of your golf swing. If you swing too fast you will find yourself falling to the side our sometimes falling backwards. These are indicators that your balance is off kilter.

The second area to consider is your direction. Always pay attention to where your feet and shoulders are pointed this will allow you to get properly aimed. Without your direction then your golf game will be made up of a bunch of scattered golf shots. You may hit the odd great one but direction allows you to hit more quality directed golf shots.

The third area to consider is your visualization of the golf shot you intend on hitting. Do you look for every opportunity to hit a pond located on the golf course or do focus on the fairway. I was golfing in Miami and was teamed up with a member of the Miami Dolphins. We were having a blast and he asked me a simple question “Steve, what do you see before you hit the golf ball” I replied “what part of the fairway I’m going to hit”. It was a simple reply and one that allowed my partner to hit the last three fairways of the day. He thought that was the coolest tip ever but it only works if you truly believe and commit to that visual.

The fourth and final area to focus your attention is discipline. You must have discipline on the golf course especially during your bad shots. I have watched so many golfers take a double bogey on one hole and it ruined their entire golf game because they couldn’t shake it off. Discipline allows you to see that double bogey for what it is, leave it behind and focus on the great shots you are capable of. These four areas of focus will allow your golf game to flourish but it will take time and patience it doesn’t happen overnight. Golf is a game of patience and persistence.

If you have any golf related questions please contact me at

In the next few months I will be organizing golf videos to help your golf game and can be viewed on

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