Caring For Your Pets in Hot Weather!

imgresWith a heat warning issued for C-K today here are some preparedness tips to consider when caring for your pets in this hot weather:

1. Never leave pets in a car, even with the windows down. The inside of a car can reach temperatures in excess of 65°C in a matter of minutes. This is even when it is only 21°C degrees outside. Your car is an oven and will literally cook your pet. Take them with you.

2. If possible, pets should be kept indoors during excessive heat. Keep the ac on – it can also get extremely hot inside your home or apartment. Too hot for your pet while you go to work. Never turn the AC off while you go to work, put it on 25.5°C-26.6°C if you have to but never turn it completely off.

3. If keeping a pet outside, make sure that pets have adequate shelter from the sun and plenty of fresh water at all times. Do not leave your pet tied outside or on a run as they may get tangled and then be unable to get to a shady spot. It is never a good idea to tie your pets outdoors in any weather but just in case anyone is even thinking about it.

4. Plan outside activities with your pets during the cooler parts of the day: early morning and evening. Limit the outside activity of your pets during the heat of the day.

5. During hot weather sidewalks, pavement and beach sand radiate excessive amounts of heat and can be too hot for the pads of your pet’s paws. Consider that if it is too hot for you to walk barefoot, it is too hot for your pet as well. When you are running with your pet remember that you are wearing sneakers so check the sidewalk with your bare feet. If it is hot for you, it is too hot to run your pet on it. Leave him/her home and enjoy your run. Then, take them to a nice grassy area when it is cooler and play fetch for a few minutes to exercise them instead.

6. Take extra precautions in hot weather for dogs that are elderly, overweight or snub-nosed. Boxer, Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, Lhasas, Shih Tzus, Peekaneses, etc, have a hard enough time breathing on a good day! They really cannot handle the extra stress.

7. Do not take your pets to the beach! Salt water is dangerous when they drink it, so you should always bring fresh water for your pet and offer it often any way, but like any other place in the hot summer, the beach is too hot for your pet. Take them during the cool part of the day, if you must, and always bring plenty of water for them to drink.

A warm, humid day with full sunshine may cause more problems than a hotter day with a nice breeze and some cloud cover. Heat stress is a medical emergency and warrants a rapid response and visit to the veterinarian. However, with proper care and a few husbandry techniques, you can ensure that your dog will be cool and comfortable during this hot day!

For more information please contact your local veterinarian on how to keep your pets safe and healthy!

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