Fascial stretching available in Wallaceburg

jaclyn watson
Jaclyn Watson

A new type of treatment that increases people’s mobility and helps relieve chronic pain is now available at the Wallaceburg Wellness Centre.

Wallaceburg’s Jaclyn Watson, a certified fascial stretch therapist, started at the Wellington Street site at the end of October.

“I work with your fascia… your fascia is connected from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head,” Watson said. “It’s all connected and it is made of mostly water.

Watson, who is a graduate of WDSS, got her training at the Stretch To Win Institute. She is also a certified personal trainer.

Watson said this type of “assisted stretching” can reduce symptoms for people with a handful of medical conditions, including:

– muscular pain/tightness,

– chronic pain,

– post-surgery rehabilitation, total joint replacements

– osteo-arthritis,

– shoulder mobility problems, frozen shoulder, rounded shudders,

– low-back pain,

– plantar fascitis,

– compartment syndrome,

– Parkinson’s and more.

She said her treatment can be an emotional experience as well.

“Neuroscientists believe that your fascia is your connection to your consciousness in your body,” she said. “It stores all of your emotions, which is why I ask so many emotional questions. A lot of times when I am releasing stuff from people that have had traumas… say they were in a car accident, and they hurt their back. I might release that, and they might start to cry on my table.”

Watson added: “It’s like a spider web of connective tissue. I like to tell people, when you take your favourite pair of jeans out of the dryer and they are all stiff… then you wear them for a few hours and the movement helps loosen them up. That is what I do with people… I do specific movements and help loosen up their fascia.”

Watson said depending on how tight a persons muscles are, she can help somebody increase their flexibility by up to 30 per cent, just in one session.

Watson is available for appointments at the Wellness Centre on Mondays from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

She is also offering people $30 off of their first treatment.

For more information about Watson and about fascial stretch therapy, click here.

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