The Wellness in Wallaceburg Educational Campaign spotlights services provided by local organizations in your community that are working to improve your health and wellbeing. This week’s spotlight is on Community Living Wallaceburg.
What services do you provide?
Community Living Wallaceburg is a proud and progressive organization that enables people to realize their potential and choices within inclusive communities. The Agency provides a full range of accommodation, short break (respite), community and employment supports to more than 400 individuals with an intellectual or related disability and their families in Wallaceburg and throughout Chatham-Kent.
The following is a sample of the services, supports and activities related to respite that are available to individuals and their caregivers through Community Living Wallaceburg:
– Programs, classes and supports that assist with developing greater independence, social and life skills, including healthy eating, employment readiness and volunteer opportunities.
– Caregiver respite to provide a break to primary caregivers, either in-home or in the community.
– Assistance with application and coordination of Special Services at Home (SSAH).
Who can access your services and is there a cost?
Children, youth and adults with an intellectual disability and their families who are either eligible for individualized funding from the provincial government or who may choose to purchase services themselves. Typical funding sources include the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), SSAH and the Passport to Community program – all of which are managed by the Ministry of Community and Social Services. Community Living Wallaceburg can assist people and their families with the following:
– Hiring an independent in-home worker
– Assigning a Community Living Wallaceburg staff on a purchase of service agreement
– Training and navigation of
– Understanding and accessing other community services
– Support with school to work transition and housing options
– Person-directed planning
– Administration of individualized funding
How do people access your services?
Individuals interested in learning more about Community Living Wallaceburg can visit the Agency’s website ( Community Living Wallaceburg staff will also gladly meet with individuals and their families to discuss the many choices available to them.
To arrange a convenient time to meet contact:Denise CrossSupervisor, Personal Planning and Self Directed Initiatives 519-627-0777, extension 2559,
What is the future direction of services in the Wallaceburg area?
Community Living Wallaceburg, its team of dedicated Direct Support Professionals, skilled Board of Directors and volunteers remain committed to enabling children, youth and adults with an intellectual disability to participate fully in all aspects of community life, in Wallaceburg and throughout all communities in Chatham-Kent.
What’s the best advice you can give to people to help them stay well?
Take full advantage of the opportunities to engage with others and to participate proudly in all elements of community life.
Here are some photos provided by Community Living Wallaceburg:
Wellness in Wallaceburg is an initiative that aims to raise community awareness of services that help everyone to be healthy and well. To receive updates of events and services in Wallaceburg, join the Chatham-Kent Events Calendar ( and click on Wellness, then Wallaceburg.