McNaughton outlines agenda in PC leadership debate

Monte Debate Group_February 11 2015

This week in Ottawa, Monte McNaughton, MPP for Lambton-Kent-Middlesex, outlined his agenda during a PC leadership debate.

McNaughton opened the evening by stating, “We don’t need a second Liberal party in the province of Ontario. To win we need a conservative vision.”

Later he said “We must have the leadership in place that is willing to repeal Kathleen Wynne’s agenda and offer a conservative alternative for our great province.”

Last night’s debate marked the first time the final three candidates have debated together, and was held at Algonquin College in Ottawa.

Also debating was Patrick Brown of Barrie and Christine Elliott of Whitby.

McNaughton stated: “After four election losses in a row, it’s about time that we start fighting for the taxpayer and start talking about conservative values. As Premier my top fiscal priority will be to balance the budget without raising taxes. I will respect and defend the taxpayer.”

Over the course of the 90 minute debate, McNaughton highlighted several policies that he is championing, including:

– McNaughton’s Members First Plan which would allow every party member to approve the next PC Party election platform;

– McNaughton’s plan to balance the budget without raising taxes;

– McNaughton’s plan to repeal Kathleen Wynne’s ORPP and refund all money collected;

– McNaughton’s plan to end Ontario’s wind turbine experiment and to decommission the existing turbines.

“Ontario voters are worried about Kathleen Wynne’s agenda. Our Party must have the conservative conviction to change course on the failed McGuinty-Wynne agenda,” McNaughton said. “In 2018, as leader, I will present this conservative alternative in a platform that is approved by our membership. This is The Right Way Forward for our Party and for Ontario.”

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