Christ the King principal promoted to superintendent

catholic board

A Wallaceburg principal is one of two people promoted to the job of superintendent of education for the St. Clair Catholic District School Board.

Director of Education Dan Parr has announced the appointments of Laura Callaghan, Principal of Christ The King Catholic School, Wallaceburg and Scott Johnson, Principal of Holy Trinity Catholic School, Sarnia to the positions.

“I am pleased to report to the Board that our hiring process has resulted in the selection of two candidates, who are currently serving as leaders at St. Clair Catholic,” Parr said. “Laura and Scott are two outstanding leaders. We are proud of their success and join with their colleagues across the district in congratulating them, as they assume their important new roles.”

Callaghan received her teaching degree from the University of Western Ontario in 1988 and began her career that same year at St. Francis and St. Joseph Catholic Schools in Tilbury, where she taught French.

From 2005 to 2008, she was a Catholic Curriculum Consultant and in 2009 she was appointed Principal of Holy Family Catholic School in Wallaceburg.

Two years later, she was appointed to serve as assistant to the superintendent of education – elementary curriculum.

In 2013, Callaghan returned to school leadership and served as principal at St. Joseph Catholic School (Chatham) and, beginning last January, at Christ The King Catholic School in Wallaceburg.

Since January, she has also led the Wallaceburg Catholic School French Immersion study.

The appointments take effect July 1.

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