Letter: New garbage totes = Privatized taxation

progressive waste solutions garbage totes

Before amalgamation, garbage collection was done by the government, the employees being paid directly from our taxes, any changes to user fees or taxes were publicly debated and a recorded vote was taken to ensure transparency and accountability.

We can save you tax money by privatization, they said. We took the bait. Anybody recall getting a lower tax rate?

Garbage collection is still paid for by our taxes, with the government acting as our agent with a private company. I would imagine that at the time of privatization of this government function, a contract was made up between Chatham-Kent and, in this case, Progressive Waste Solutions. The contract would state that the Government pays “X” amount of our tax money and Progressive picks up our garbage.

Now it seems that the contract also allows the private company to bypass our elected council and directly tax us to the tune of $75 per bin. Even if you call it a user fee, it is a surcharge to a government function that we already pay for. But the fact still remains that a private company has the ability to impose an additional cost to the taxpayer and Chatham-Kent has nothing to say about it. No debate, no recorded vote, no transparency, and no accountability.

On the other hand, if the contract does not allow for a third party to directly charge us for the bins, then it is illegal and you do not have to pay this additional tax, or user fee, or surcharge, or whatever else they want to call it.

The sound of our elected officials silence on this issue is deafening, and ominous.

What other surprises are we in store for from this and any other washing of hands from government accountability. It is misleading for council to say they are not raising taxes when a private company can use a loophole and do just that. It’s like that game with the three walnut shells and one pea. By the way, when Progressive gets rid of half its staff and they all go on EI, what will that do to our tax burden? Perhaps Progressive will give the savings back to Chatham Kent or rebate your $75, but don’t count on it.

– Dana Burrage, Wallaceburg


  1. A company offers a subsidized product that improves both their employee safety and offers consumer benefit. They offer a free trial with no forced purchase or use required. I commend them for that and will be keeping the bin. Thanks Progressive!

  2. Dana you make some good points but the fact remains that the bin is NOT mandatory and one does need something into which to put garbage, so don’t buy it and use what you currently have for your garbage!!

  3. Most cities do not accept garbage bags at the roadside. Totes are the future of garbage collection. Mandatory in many cities. The $75 dollar tote is a gift!!! Get used to it,

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