Vows worth keeping

ring wedding marriage

The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

I was approached recently by a couple who were four years into their marriage.

The husband had bought his wife a second wedding band, as the original was one that his wife could not wear at work without risking damage to it.

She didn’t just want to have nothing on her finger because, as a married woman, she wanted people to know that she takes her vows seriously.

I was impressed by that.

In a world where so many people joke about the “chain around their leg” it was refreshing to see people take the opposite stance and speak well of their nuptial agreement.

My father-in-law is in his 84th year of life and battling dementia.

His first wife died in 2002, but he remarried sometime after that to a woman whose first husband had also passed away.

Gail has long days at times with dad, and a few long nights, as well.

Nevertheless, she is committed to their relationship in accordance with the vows they exchanged 10 years earlier.

It is hard to stick to something that has been good for so long but then takes a turn for the worse.

The temptation is to split while the going is still good.

But that is not what God would want.

He sticks with us, even when we are stinkers and behave badly.

We should follow His example and do the same – in all our relationships.

When I look at my wedding band it is a reminder to me of the vows I made almost 25 years ago to my wife, Ruth.

I am aware that I have an obligation to keep true to what I promised way back then, and am grateful that I have the Lord to help me stay on track.

He’s there for you, too.

All you have to do is ask Him!

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