Poll: Will Wallaceburg’s water concerns be heard?

wallaceburg water plant

It was learned at Tuesday’s meeting about the future of Wallaceburg’s water, that an evaluation committee will be formed to help determine what the preferred alternative will be moving forward.

Here is our recap story from Tuesday’s meeting: ‘Passionate’ meeting held about Wallaceburg’s water

Tom Kissner, general manager of the Chatham-Kent PUC, said the committee, which has yet to be finalized, will include Coun. Jeff Wesley, Coun. Carmen McGregor, Kris Lee from the Wallaceburg Advisory Team for a Cleaner Habitat (WATCH) group, a member of the Wallaceburg BIA, and other members of the community.

It was also learned on Tuesday that public input will account for 15 per cent on the evaluation matrix to decide the preferred solution for the future of Wallaceburg’s water.

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