New car warranty at North Kent Krown

north kent krown wallaceburg

North Kent Krown has a new car warranty to offer to their clients and it comes with no extra charge.

John Veenema, owner of the new Wallaceburg business, says the only fee that is required is to have the vehicle sprayed at the regular cost.

“It is applied every year on or before the anniversary of your first application,” Veenema said.

“This warranty covers corrosion on the body panels from the top of the doors down and around the entire vehicle. From the top of the door where the window comes to the door is called the belt molding. We always just say from the top of the doors down around the entire vehicle.”

Veenema said Krown is the only company that offers this warranty.

“It’s a free warranty. It’s basically bring in your car on or before the anniversary of the first application and you have up to six months to use that. So if you bought a vehicle and up to six months old you can still use the warranty,” he said.

“If there is any corrosion we will fix it. Krown stands behind their products. I have never had to fix any. Never. Everybody who applies their product is trained. We go for training yearly and every vehicle that is sprayed we have access to through Krown. We know where they have to be drilled.”

North Kent Krown is located at 740 Gillard St. and their grand opening is June 12.

Give them a call at 519-627-3777 or visit them online at

This article is sponsored content and is a part of our “Keep It Local Business Spotlight” feature. Contact Dana Haggith for more information – 519-784-4610 or

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