WOW! Win a $100 gift card to Dover Duds!



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With help from our WOW sponsor Battery Boy, Dover Duds is giving away an awesome prize this week!

– 1 $100 gift card

Dover Duds carries the finest in outdoor workwear clothing, boots and shoes. Carhartt, Helly Hansen, Red Wing Shoes and Irish Setter Boots, are quality names you can trust! 26662 Bear Line Rd. in Dover Centre, call them at 519-355-1201 or visit them online at

There will be more opportunities to enter the draw on Tuesday and Wednesday this week!

We’ll be drawing ONE WINNER on Wednesday evening, Nov. 11!

Good luck!


This contest is a part of the Battery Boy WOW (Win On Wednesday) feature on the Sydenham Current.

Battery Boy has been serving Chatham-Kent and region for over 30 years.

When it comes to almost any kind of battery, Battery Boy is proud that they are your source. From computers to alarm panels, farm and construction equipment to motorcycle, marine, lawnmower and locomotive batteries, we have it or can get it for you. You can even have your vehicle’s battery changed here, in usually less than 15 minutes!

Check out their website here, or give them a ‘Like’ on Facebook.

Similar contests will be held each week for our readers to win FREE stuff! If you want to know how to get involved, e-mail Dana at

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  1. Would love to win! This would help me get my hubby a nice new pair of coveralls to keep him warm at work for Christmas!

  2. Would be wonderful to treat my mom to something special as she has a diseas that is robbing her of any joy or any she ever had but if I don’t congratulations to whomever does

  3. Dover Duds you rock bought a coat there many years ago and still have and wear it to this day….let’s just say I could use a new one!

  4. I am wishing everyone luck and thank you for all the kind words in regards to our store. We aim for great customer service and quality merchandise.

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