Letter: New voices needed on healthcare issue


I continue to read Mr. Babbitt’s letters and rantings to every local media outlet on the local healthcare issue and continue to be stunned by his uninformed, uneducated statements and claims.

The latest suggestion that “closing the Wallaceburg ER will put thousands at risk” is particularly outlandish, inflammatory and just plain incorrect.

The debate and dialogue about the distance between Wallaceburg, Walpole Island and the surrounding communities is one that is not only ridiculous but completely unfounded. Ask yourself: “is the death rate higher for those residents living in Blenheim, Ridgetown, Tilbury, Erieau? Or what about residents of Amherstburg, LaSalle or Essex who’s closest Emergency Department would be one of the downtown Windsor hospitals which could be 30 – 45 minutes away? Or other communities where just getting through traffic could take 30 minutes and you might be able to travel 6 city blocks!

In his last statement, Mr Babbitt notes: “the closure of the Sydenham Campus ER would represent a significant reduction in emergency health care access to over 20,000 citizens no matter how you try to package it.”

Again, if we are talking about access for “emergencies”, which is defined as: a sudden, urgent, usually unexpected occurrence or occasion requiring immediate action,” then what Mr. Babbitt and the entire community should be advocating for is the very best Emergency Medical System possible.

A coordinated effort between Ambulances, Fire and Hospitals that makes sure someone who is experiencing an Emergency gets to the very best place for care, the very first time. No hospital regardless of what location it’s in will ever be in a position to provide emergency health access to those individuals that require immediate action, only mobile emergency services can do that!

Clearly the health care debate sparks a lot of passion in individuals and communities, but logic and reason must also come to the debate every once in a while. It’s important for everyone who has a stake in this to be, or get educated on what the issues are, what the facts and evidence shows, and begin talking about creating a sustainable, future model for healthcare across Chatham-Kent.

The negativity will certainly never bring new dollars, doctors or ideas to our community.

Jane Havens
Chair, Public General Hospital


  1. Let’s close the Wallaceburg Hospital, It will save lots of money
    But we should also close the Chatham hospital also
    With Chatham’s point, bigger is better. I say lets close the Chatham hospital also and expand the Windsor, Sarnia and London Hospital’s to mega size
    With the cost saving of operating the Chatham Hospital moved to other areas and these hospitals made bigger our emergence needs will be better Right?
    This is how Chatham thinks
    I say OK no more fighting = but you lose just as much as we do.
    ALL OR NOTHING that’s my line in the sand

  2. People in Blenheim, Ridgetown, Tilbury, Erieau live there by choice purchased with a choice AS we did.

  3. Ahhh… Ms Havens. Thank you for taking so much time away from your important duties to pen these letters. It’s good for my heart health and emotional well being to start my day with a smile and a chuckle. I hear laughter also improves productivity and lowers blood pressure.
    Thank you again for sharing and I look forward to more of your comedic insight.

  4. I never understood why Chatham city needed 2 hospitals and continues to operate and fund 2 hospitals long after amalgamation? Public General and ST Joes? Is there a diverse care level between the two or is it just a religious requirement?

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