Letter: Speed it up on Hwy. 40


All this talk about widening Highway 40 between Wallaceburg and Chatham is giving me a headache.

First and foremost, what needs to be done, is make the speed limit reasonable. I truly believe the 80 Km/h limit on Hwy. 40 is a primary contributor to the many accidents.

People get frustrated when following someone dawdling along at 75 or 80 km/h, and very often lose patience.

That’s when they attempt to pass when it’s not safe to do so.

I’ve seen it happen over and over, and am guilty myself.

I’ve travelled Canada from coast to coast to coast many times, and just recently drove to Nova Scotia and back.

In many other jurisdictions Hwy. 40 between Wallaceburg and Chatham would be 90 km/h, and the four-lane part north of Wallaceburg at least 90 but more likely 100.

Limited access highways like the 401 in places like B.C., New Brunswick, and parts of Quebec are 110 km/h.

Whoever sets these limits in Ontario, and particularly in this area, needs to get with the times.

It seems to me, if the speed limits on area highways were increased, lives would be saved.

But then, speeding infraction revenue would drop off and (this is directed to MTO) we certainly wouldn’t want that, would we?

Come to think of it, if the MTO’s argument is ‘lowering speed limits saves lives’, which I don’t believe to be true, then why not make the limit 10 km/h, and install speed bumps every 100 metres?

And, since we’re on the topic of Highway 40 between Wallaceburg and Chatham, I have a proposal… why don’t we combine hazardous waste day with a painting bee?

All that paint that nobody wants, instead of going to the recycling depot, could be mixed together in a big drum and used to paint that ugly eyesore near the corner of Hwy 40 and Electric Line.

I’m sure there’d be plenty of people willing to pack a picnic basket and head out to the ‘Ugly Tank’ for a painting bee.

Any colour would be better than the disgrace that tourists and locals alike see as they approach Wallaceburg.

Earl Holley


  1. I am on the 40 hwy 5 days a week and think the worst part about driving is the inconsistent drivers, you know the ones I am talking about. They are going around 80 to 85 and when traffic approaches they drop their speeds to low 70’s.
    We also have an aging population and some really should not be driving in areas over 50 kms/hr let alone at all.
    Adding a third lane to the 40 like they have done in Sarnia may ease some of the congestion which would allow people to get by some of the slower moving traffic and setting that lane to a faster minimum speed could be an option.
    Possibly the answer is taking advantage of Bear Line somehow to divert some of the traffic.

  2. TOTALLY AGREE……and maybe the police could start ticketing the bad drivers like the ones who know you’re doing at least 80 but still turn out in front of you at the last second and go 60 in an 80! Usually old people are always turning onto the highway without even looking, apparently we all just have to move over and hope there is no-one on coming so they can get out on the road, to do 40 kms in an 80. Isn’t going too slow illegal?????? It should be, because thats where alot of the accidents stem from. They should have a fast lane !!!!!!!!

  3. WOW WOW WOW. Although I agree about the speed limit on 40 highway between Wallaceburg and Chatham. I disagree with some of the other things Mr Holley says. Some passing lanes would help a lot. A traffic light at the intersection of Oldfield/Electric and 40 would help everyone including the farmers trying to cross the highway with tractor and wagons. As far as “the eye soar”. Maybe we should focus on ALL the upgrades that has been done to this property. Before it was purchased by the fellow who owns it now, it was all awful to look at. This man has done a incredible job cleaning it up. All at his own expense. I think people should mind their own business.

  4. I tend to disagree the speed limit is fine if you just raise it we will only have the same problem just accidents at higher speeds. What is really needed is a widening of Highway 40. This will provide the much needed traffic relief.

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