Volunteers still needed for Wallaceburg Pumpkinfest

This story is sponsored by Wallaceburg Hometown Bingo:



The 2nd annual Wallaceburg Pumpkin Fest, organized by the Wallaceburg Kinsmen, is taking place on Saturday, September 24.

The group could still use some volunteers to help them out at the event.

“We’re always looking for volunteers. Right now they can contact me. My email is eeh101416@outlook.com and I will forward them on,” said Eric Hancock, event organizer and Kinsmen member.

“Whatever they want to do, I will forward them to the proper chairperson. So if they want to work in the kids zone, I will get them attached with them. If they want to work in the silent auction, I will have them involved in there. It’s just a matter of what they want to do.”

Hancock said is a great opportunity, especially for the high school students who need volunteer credits.

“It’s a one day commitment of six to eight hours,” he said.

Overall, Hancock said the Wallaceburg Kinsmen have 13 members with their club.

“It’s not huge but the members work hard at arranging,” he said.

“I am 69. There are a couple that are a little bit older than me but I don’t want to give their ages away. We have a number of young members in their mid 20’s. We are always looking for people who would like to get involved in supporting the community. We meet twice a month and we have a great time. It is not only doing things for the community, but it is a social activity. We get training opportunities like public speaking, managing events like this, so young people can get some skills that they can use in their careers.”

Watch for more stories on Pumpkinfest all week long.

Here is the event poster with more details:


– This story is sponsored content

– Photo credit: Amy Dramnitzke

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