Get your Unpasteurized Honey-Do Honey at CK Spices, Coffee & Teas!

Unpasteurized Pure Ontario Honey from Honey-Do Honey, it is an Ontario No. 1 Golden Honey. We have had requests for Unpasteurized Honey. Stop in and pick some up!
We have 500g Liquid Honey & Creamed 500g in Regular, Lemon, Cinnamon & Blueberry. They all taste great on toast, as well as in coffee or tea.

Info about Honey-Do Honey:
Our names are Andre & Kathy Soetemans. We own and operate a small commercial apiary business locally (Forest, ON). Our honey comes from our own bees extracted by us in our honey house. We are happy to say that we care for our bees to keep them healthy happy and producing plenty of delicious honey for you. We look after all of our bees, bottle and cream all of our own honey products. All of our products are unpasteurized and have all the excellent health benefits that go along with eating unpasteurized honey.
Honey-Do Honey began as a small hobby farm, first established by a retired farmer who had a love for bees. In 2013, Andre & Kathy Soetemans purchased the business, expanding its areas of both production and honey sales. They now have 400 plus beehives located in the Forest area, and all within 10km of their residence.

We have several products to sweeten your Tea or Coffee! We have a selection of over 45 Loose Teas for you to enjoy.
We have Honey Pearls which are an all-natural combination of honey and sugar that is dried and crystallized.
If you prefer Brown Rock Sugar, White Rock Sugar or Stevia, we have those in stock too.
Check our our website:

CK Spices, Coffee & Teas
217 Creek Street, Wallaceburg, Ontario.
We accept: Cash, Debit, Master Card & Visa.

Sunday & Monday CLOSED
Tuesday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm
Saturday 10am to 4pm

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