Letter: Thanks for supporting Rori’s toy drive


Dear supporters of ‘Rori’s 4th Annual Toy Drive’:

I would like to thank each and everyone of you that contributed to my toy drive. It was a huge success, one that wouldn’t have been possible without the generous support of those who agreed to be drop off locations, and all those who donated in any way they could to the Ronald McDonald House in London. With your generous donations, I was able to give approximately 250 toys to the Christmas Room.

The Ronald McDonald House is a charity very dear to my heart. It has helped my family in more ways than I can count. Whether it was providing a place to rest away from the hospital, providing a hot meal for my parents, or even just providing a friendly face, a distraction of TV, a movie, a place to have a hot shower, or a cup of coffee… we could always count on them to give “a home away from home.”

I am proud to be able to give back to a charity that gave so much to me, and thousands of other families with sick children. I am just as proud to be able to say that my community supports an amazing charity that deserves our help and support. I Thank you for all of your help.


Rori Bennett
Creator of Rori’s 4th Annual Toy Drive

– Submitted photo: Kim McAuley, Joel Bennett and Rori Bennett.

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