A Chatham-Kent Councillor is hoping for some upgrades for a section of roads located just outside of Wallaceburg.
North Kent Coun. Joe Faas is set to bring forward a notice of motion proposing some improvements for Snye Road, Seys Line and Island View Road.
“These three roads represent the highest assessed residential and agricultural value in Chatham-Kent (over $7,000,000 in assessed value) still serviced by a gravel road,” Faas said in his motion.
“This route serves as the only multiple daily access point (24/7 use) for the Wallaceburg Water Treatment Plant raw water line, intake and pumping station.”
Faas said the property owners from all three roads are set to submit a petition to council as well.
“Residents living on this road also represent significant agricultural, commercial and industrial assessment in both Wallaceburg and North Kent,” Faas said, mentioning Taylor’s Variety, St. Clair Technologies, Cogghe’s Marina, mPower Electric and Ecarte Marina.
Faas said he is hoping for the request to go back to staff and to have a report to council no later than June.
In the report, Faas want to see detailed costing for any viable alternatives for the upgrade, plus recommendations on how the costs should be paid or financed. Faas is also asking that the petition organizers be invited to make a
presentation to council, when the proposed report comes before council.
Faas’ motion will be voted on during the council meeting on Monday, March 5.