Think Healthy Event Dresden April 21st 10am-4pm Czech Hall

Another VENDOR that will be at the show and a short bio of her…
My name is Victoria. I am a Promoter with Le-vel and the Thrive Experience. It is plant based nutrition.

I was exhausted, could barely make it through a shift at work without needing to rest. I was grumpy and unhappy but mostly I was “sick and tired of being sick and tired.”

It was at that point my friend introduced me to these 3 simple steps that have changed my life forever. I sleep better, I have enough energy to make it through work and still have time for family and friends. I’ve lost 10 pounds which for me is amazing and I feel better than I have in years. My family around me is happier because I am happier.

I got myself back and there is no greater gift than that. I will be forever grateful for these 3 simple steps that have transformed my day and my life.


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