A local girl, who has a lot of her family living in Wallaceburg, is ready to throw out the first pitch at an upcoming Toronto Blue Jays game.
“In recognition of childhood cancer awareness month, Hayden (Foulon) has been invited to throw out the first pitch at the Toronto Blue Jays September 3 game versus Tampa Bay,” said Lindsay Foulon, Hayden’s mom.
“We are all so excited for her, and if you’re in the area and want to join… let us know.”
Hayden has battled Lymphoblastic Leukemia – a cancer of the blood and bone marrow – multiple times already in her 6 years.
She also has already had the chance to meet many of the Toronto Blue Jays and Toronto Maple Leafs players as well.
Hayden and her family currently live in London, while Hayden’s dad, Jon, is originally from Wallaceburg.
The game starts at 7:07 p.m. on Monday.