‘Your Three Words’

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

There’s a segment they use to show on ABC’s “Good Morning America” every Friday morning.

It was called, “Your Three Words” and it was a series of video clips of regular, ordinary people across the USA spelling out something significant for the television camera in just three words.

It could be an expectant mother saying, “It’s a girl” or a cancer patient spelling out, “Last chemo treatment.”

I must say, I was often moved to tears by some of these submissions.

If I asked you today about your choice of three words, what would you say?

Three-word phrases such as “I love you” or “You are forgiven” or “I was wrong” can make a world of difference for someone in your life.

Imagine the look on the cashier’s face when you say to her, “Keep the change” or telling your boss, “I appreciate you.”

Seriously, words are very powerful and we don’t have to give a whole speech to make an impact, either.

Think note, not novel.

I keep a healthy supply of blank notes in my desk that have a short, but meaningful, message on the cover: ‘Praying for you.’

I send these out as the Lord leads me and have found over the years that they often land in someone’s mail box just when they really needed it.

Who knows?

This could become quite a nice habit for you.

Put your three words into action this week.

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