Keeping Christ in CHRISTmas

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

Every year about this time we are faced with the usual retail holiday battle of whether we should say, “Happy Holidays” or “Merry Christmas.”

Some people feel very passionate on one side of this issue, or the other, and aren’t afraid to rant.

However, for those advocating that we do keep Christ in Christmas, and I am one of them, there is a great response to this dilemma.

I have seen it on Facebook and other places, but it bears repeating throughout the Christmas season.

It says this: “Want to keep Christ in Christmas? Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, forgive the guilty, welcome the stranger and the unwanted child, care for the ill, love your enemies.”

True followers of the Saviour know that talk alone is cheap without subsequent action to back it up.

Of all seasons, Christmas, the season of giving, stands out as a perfect time to put Christ back into Christmas.

Drop something in the Salvation Army kettle on your way out of the store.

Sit down with your kids and make some homemade Christmas cards to distribute in a nursing home.

Help a single mom clean her home or babysit for her for free while she does some shopping for her kids.

Go through your closet and set aside some gently used clothes to give away.

If you have new neighbours, why not invite them over for a meal at some point during the holiday season?

Probably the best thing we can do to keep things in their proper perspective is to sit down and pray and ask God to help us keep His Son’s birth as our primary focus.

The sky’s the limit on how we can keep Christ in Christmas, so put away your rant, roll up your sleeves, and go be Jesus to someone this week.

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