Permaculture Design course being offered

Three Acres Permaculture is offering a Permaculture Design Certificate course at their Bothwell-area location.

Led by permaculture teacher, Michael Schimp, the course offers participants a system of design that has a profound effect on the way you can approach all areas of your life.

Since permaculture values multi-functionality, efficiency, and results, participants can expect to garner new ways of thinking, new tools and solutions to their unique circumstances, and a renewed sense of empowered accountability… all within the framework of a supportive community environment.

“It’s a design system. We know that things are kind of dire on planet earth and they are getting worse, storms are getting stronger. Permaculture gives us real solutions to mitigate the problems that are already occurring.”

There is also a large focus on producing food where you are and living as lightly and appropriately as possible, Schimp added.

In 2019, Three Acre Permaculture is offering a multi-season course, which will take place one Sunday per month over the course of nine months.

Schimp says this approach allows participants to observe the seasons on their own properties, while deepening and integrating the knowledge acquired throughout the course modules. It also provides accessibility to those with busy schedules and families, thereby broadening the diversity of the participants themselves.

“It works in various aspects of your life. So it is not only garden design, but it is also applied to all kinds of other things… social structures, economic structures as well, but with a large focus on food. It goes beyond sustainability to create regenerative systems,” he says.

Course participants will experience a balance of classroom-style learning and hands-on integration. A design project and field trips to permaculture demonstration farms and gardens will also be included in the curriculum. At the end of the 72-hour program, participants will receive an internationally recognized Permaculture Design Certificate.

The Permaculture Design Certificate course will take place at Three Acre Permaculture, located at 1478 Cairo Road in between Bothwell and Alvinston.

The program starts on the first Sunday in April and runs through December.

The ‘Early Bird Price’ is $800, a $200 discount which ends on March 15, 2019.

For more details or to register, email or go to

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