Let others notice first

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

When it comes to personal accomplishments, are you willing to let others do the noticing, or do you need to blow your own horn first?

Pride is a foul whiff of bad breath that smells up the whole room when it proceeds from the mouths of people who have high opinions of themselves.

Proverbs 27:2 says, “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.”

I have noticed that when people are busy drawing attention to themselves through embellishment of their personal achievements, it leads to a lot of rolling of the eyes from those having to hear it.

If I boast about my accomplishments, I leave the impression that it’s all about me.

However, if it is someone else paying me the compliment, it leaves room to be humble and acknowledge the help of others who got me there, and of the work of God Himself.

The apostle Paul was even more direct when he warned a person in Romans 12:3 not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think.

It is also obnoxious to be too self-deprecating and attempt to throw the compliment completely out.

That might embarrass the person who genuinely gave it.

Instead, acknowledge the gesture while at the same time deflecting the praise.

I have lots of opportunities to do this.

People have complimented me on the polite behaviour of my children.

I thank them for their kind words but also add that they have learned much from the example of my wife.

Praise is always sweeter when it comes from the mouth of another.

Watch for ways it may come your way this week.

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