SCCDSB 2018-2019 EQAO Assessments

The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) has released the school, board and provincial results for the 2018-2019 Grade 3 and 6 assessments for reading, writing
and mathematics.

Primary and junior literacy scores continue to be strong at St. Clair Catholic, with students in Grades 3 and 6 achieving above the provincial average in reading and writing. Primary math remained quite consistent across the province and Board with a decrease of three percentage points provincially and a one percentage point drop for St. Clair Catholic. Grade 3 math remains above the provincial average, with twelve schools across the system demonstrating growth this year in the Grade 3 EQAO assessments. In Grade 6, 10 St. Clair Catholic schools demonstrated growth in math scores; however, despite those improvements the Board average fell and is below the provincial average.

“Junior math will be a system focus for St. Clair Catholic in 2019-2020,” says Laura Callaghan, Superintendent of Education. “We have developed an action plan that outlines our strategies to improve student performance and also student attitudes towards math.”

The tables below summarize the St. Clair results.

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