What holds me back from being more authentic?

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

Let me ask you a question: what holds you back from being more authentic?

I know a young boy who hangs around my neighbourhood who is constantly lying.

When I first met him and asked him his name he gave me a name, but it turned out not to be his real name.

When I found that out I asked him again and he gave me another pseudonym.

I had to really dig and ask others for his real name and eventually I found out what it was.

He doesn’t get along well with a number of the other kids on his street and maybe that’s why he wants to go by an alias.

We have seen the devastation that comes from the lies and misrepresentation of those in government office, the social media world, and yes, sadly, even in the pulpits of our nation.

I read and study the Bible because it is a book of truth and it chronicles the life of Jesus Christ, who Himself declared in John 14:6: “I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE…”

When we fail and let other people down it can sometimes lead to an embellishing of the facts in order to make us not look so bad.

Do you struggle with that?

If the person you are presenting to others isn’t the true you, what is holding you back from revealing the facts?

I definitely feel remorse when I have failed and let others down, especially those closest to me like my family or church family.

But do you know what?

I have found that it is best to just fess up and ask forgiveness than to posture for better position and not be true to who I really am.

Besides, if no one who else knows who the real you is, the Lord does.

Why not ask for His help today?

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