Laura’s battle with leukemia, stem cell donors needed

By Dan White – Special to the Sydenham Current

This is not my arts column; this is far more important and urgent.

A family member, born in Wallaceburg, is battling cancer and she needs your help.

If you are a regular reader of my arts column in the Wallaceburg Courier Press you have ‘met’ my beautiful wife Joni Yazbeck.

One of the first family members I met after we started dating was her niece, Laura, daughter of Joni’s sister Susan and her husband Keith.

I recall Joni and I chatting a few weeks after we met and her asking if I would like to travel to Barrie to visit her niece who was stationed there.

The pride emanating from Joni as she spoke of Laura was palpable.

I was thrilled to be invited.

Joni beamed with pride as she introduced me to this brilliant woman who, at the time, was serving as a Major at CFB Borden.

It was a family weekend at the base and Laura toured us around, proud of her vocation and honoured to share a small piece of her life with us.

This woman actually is a rocket scientist.

Seriously, she is an aerospace engineer!

Over that weekend and during subsequent visits I was able to get to know this fun loving adventurous, brave woman as we heard stories about some of her service to the country as a peace keeper and officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force.

The three of us would explore local shops, go on fun adventures and always seek out fun craft beers.

It was during one of those adventures at a Scandinavian style spa that Laura was an integral part, some would say accomplice, in my proposal to Joni.

This past summer we had the honour of attending her virtual promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

Laura joined the RCAF at 17, attending the Royal Military College in Kingston and, in her words, having “the privilege of representing Canada around the world for the past 23 years!”

She has a heart of gold, a brilliant mind and a spirit that soars.

A world traveller with a passport stamped in over 50 countries, experimental foodie, recently married and proud new Aunt.

Unfortunately, 15 months ago she was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemiacan you put in full descriptor — chronic myeloid leukemia, a form of blood cancer.

I know when Laura first told us about the diagnosis, it took awhile to sink in that this was a cancer – the seriousness of that people get.

Laura has been treated with various targeted chemotherapies but her body is not tolerating them and the disease is progressing.

The only cure is a stem cell transplant, but there is currently no match for her in the Global Stem Cell Registry.

Her ethnicity (Middle Eastern/European) makes finding a match more difficult as certain ethnic backgrounds are greatly underrepresented in the registry.

Joni and I spent a month with Laura in the fall and she is a fighter.

Her strength drains quickly some days, (simple tasks can drain her to the point where she needs assistance walking across the room) she is in pain most, if not all of the time, yet her first concern is the well being of those around her.

Today she needs your help!

If you are Canadian between the ages of 17-35, you can register with Canadian Blood Services to be a stem cell donor.

It’s as easy as registering online and doing a mail-in cheek swab – they even send the swabs to Canadians overseas.

If you are interested in learning more or registering, please visit the Canadian Blood Services website.

It is as simple as giving blood and you could save someone’s life!

For international donors, please visit Swab the World to make a difference today.

Most countries allow donations from those up to 45 or even 60 years of age!

You can follow Laura’s journey on Facebook where she shares updates and raises awareness on the underrepresentation of certain ethnicities in the Global Stem Cell Registry.

When sharing on social media, please use #mybattlewithleukemia and #savealife.

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