Staff and families with The Family Centre held a food drive recently through their Wallaceburg location.
After gathering the items, the Centre made a donation to the Little Pantry by the Wallaceburg Library and also to the Walpole Island Food Bank.
Darlene Findlater, from The Family Centre in Wallaceburg, told the Sydenham Current they gathered the items for three weeks.
Dana Haggith caught up with Findlater for an interview. Listen, below:
Photos, from left: Total food collected; drop off at the Little Pantry, Aafka Everaert, Isaiah Wright, Ion Walter, Tiff Breakey, Tiff Walter and Everley Walter; Miguel Miskokomon from Walpole Island Food Bank along with Aafka Everaert and Darlene Findlater from The Family Centre.