15% off everything in store at Comic Oasis on Saturday

After suffering a flood in their shop back in May, Becky Haines, from Comic Oasis in downtown Wallaceburg, says they are celebrating their reopening with store-wide savings.

Haines said on Saturday, June 19, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. everything in the store is 15% off.

Munkey Treats will be outside selling cotton candy as well, Haines added.

There will also be cosplays and superheroes on hand, along with a draw basket for prizes.

Dana Haggith caught up with Haines for an interview. Listen, below:

Comic Oasis is located at 633 James Street and can be reached at 519-809-9758.

They can also be found on Facebook, here.

Here is a sneak-peek inside the shop:

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