WDSS PSW class raises funds for Helping Hands Breakfast Program

The WDSS PSW class recently had a fundraiser and was able to donate $400 to the Helping Hands Breakfast Program, that is held at the high school.

School officials say the program provides nutritious food, in take away form, for students each morning.

Pictured in the photo, from left to right, is Brendon Bradley, PSW student, Bobby Babalis, PSW student, Joyce Myers and Mary Whale.

Not pictured is Joe Myers, who is there each morning as well.

The PSW class raised the money through the sale of PSW car stickers.

Stickers are still available for purchase by emailing Lisa Zandbergen, who teaches the WDSS PSW class, at Lisa.Zandbergen@Lkdsb.net.

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