Chatham-Kent OPP: Slow down in construction zones

Chatham-Kent OPP officials allege: The Chatham Kent detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) want to remind drivers to be prepared for traffic slowdowns in construction zones in the eastbound and westbound lanes of Highway 401 through the area.

OPP members have responded to six collisions in construction zones along Highway 401 in Chatham Kent since the beginning of April.

Future collisions can be prevented by following a few simple tips:

– Expect the unexpected. Drivers should be ready to encounter slowed or stopped traffic in these zones due to lane reductions necessary to facilitate roadwork.

– Always drive at the posted reduced speed limit and keep a safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you.

– Don’t tailgate – sudden stops are common in construction zones.

– Watch for workers, new signs, traffic signals, pavement markings, or uneven pavement.

Drivers are reminded that all fines are doubled in construction zones.

For the latest information on all current road construction projects, check out the 511 Ontario website at

For the latest traffic updates, always follow @OPP_COMM_WR on Twitter.

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