Preventing the spread of poison

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

I read something recently that really grabbed my attention because it is such sound, yet simple advice for all of us.

It said, “Never trust your tongue while your heart is bitter, hush until you heal.”

That’s just good, sound instruction in the game of life, isn’t it?

I also like what it says about the danger of our words in Proverbs 17:28: “Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent and discerning if they hold their tongues.”

Our mouths sure can get us into a heap of trouble in a hurry.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your emotions got the better of you and you though to yourself, “I probably shouldn’t say anything here, but…” and then you cross that thin line of sound wisdom and open your pie hole and disaster ensues!

When we hold grudges against others and hang on to resentment our hearts start to turn bitter.

This internal reservoir of poison can spread quickly, souring many different relationships.

Our opinions then become jaded, always going through this clogged filter of a bitter spirit.

Refraining from airing our opinion in this state will prevent further damage and allows time to seek the Lord to help heal our heart.

There have been times over the years I have found myself rehashing hurtful conversations that I had with others.

Never, not once, did any of that rehashing help me heal.

In fact, it only served to delay the healing that my heart so desperately needed.

It was only when I humbled myself and sought the Lord in prayer that I found relief.

Often, my dear wife was the conduit through whom the Lord worked to bring me to this critical point.

If you are struggling with bitterness right now, why not step back and pray, asking the Lord to help you be free again.

While you are on His operating table be careful about the words you speak.

Sticks and stones may break bones but words can really do some damage!

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