Tennis Dome construction set to be completed by October

Chatham-Kent administration is recommending some amendments to the agreement with Tennis Clubs of Canada (TCC), as they continue to move forward with the construction of a year-round domed tennis facility.

Municipal officials in 2022, Mark and Stephanie Chapados presented to Council, advocating for the creation of an indoor tennis facility in Chatham.

They fundraised for the project and sought a $200,000 contribution from the Municipality for additional capital costs, which was allocated for in the 2022 budget.

The agreement stipulated that the dome’s construction would be completed by Fall 2023, with operations beginning in 2024, Municipal officials added.

“TCC informed administration they were unable to fulfill the agreement timelines due to delays in equipment which would not allow them to meet the construction period for 2024,” said Rob Pollock, director of parks, fleet and facilities, in a report.

“TCC has indicated they are committed to constructing and operating the tennis dome and have given a timeline to fulfill their commitments to Chatham-Kent. TCC has provided a construction schedule for the tennis dome which will have the construction starting in June 2025 and be completed by the middle of October 2025.”

Pollock added: “Tennis Canada had given a grant of $200,000 towards the tennis dome construction and they have agreed to extending this grant into 2025 as they are committed to this project and want to be able to assist in providing indoor tennis to Chatham-Kent. Administration will be bringing a report back at the end of the first quarter of 2025 in regard to Phase 2 of the St. Clair College Community Park.”

Read the full report, here.

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