From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin
Some years ago, I arranged to have a meeting with a man who had recently been given a diagnosis of terminal illness by his doctor.
I was bracing myself for my encounter, wondering how I could possibly encourage a man in this type of situation.
He had sought me out for spiritual counsel, and I had obliged, but now I was wondering if my words would seem shallow and trite to a man suffering in his condition.
We met at a Tim Hortons in South Windsor, and after getting our refreshments, quickly took our seats.
I was prepared for a litany of complaint based on his recent demoralizing diagnosis.
As I braced myself for this interchange, I was caught off guard by what came from his mouth.
Instead of a pity party he poured forth gratitude.
Gratitude for his life, his family, his recently terminated job (due to his illness).
No mention was made of his abbreviated life expectancy, only words of thanksgiving for all that God had given him.
He was most eager to hear what I had to share from the Bible.
The reason?
His heart was in a place to receive it.
Gratitude has a way of doing that.
When we are thankful, regardless of life’s circumstances, it lends itself to appreciation for things that often get overlooked.
His mundane job of 37 years was to this man a gift of provision and source of joy, rather than an almost four-decade sentence of drudgery as it may have been to someone else.
His health, though declining quickly, was seen in the light of the many years prior when he enjoyed fruitful living.
He spoke adoringly of his wife and respectfully of his aging mother.
I came away from our conversation together feeling richer because of it.
Sometimes, due to circumstances, many of which we cannot control, life stinks.
However, a person whose heart is filled with gratitude smells good!
Now that’s a fragrance that we can all enjoy!