Taking Issue: Pro Life v. Pro Choice

pro life pro choiceTaking Issue – By Rev. Andy Cornell

Federal Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau does not want you as a candidate unless you are pro-choice.

He seems to be in tune with public opinion.

After all, only six per cent of Canadians favour an outright ban on abortions, according to a 2012 Ipsos Reid poll.

Despite being cut from different political cloth, Prime Minister Stephen Harper is singing the same tune. He closed the door to further Parliamentary debate years ago, and appears to show no signs of re-opening it. Despite the personal views of many of his Conservative supporters, he’s afraid of the political damage if the issue is officially re-opened.

Different leader, different reason. Same lack of vision. Or fortitude.

Of course, the issue is very much alive. The same poll showed a solid 60 per cent of Canadians in favour of some restrictions, 45 per cent are OK with it “in certain circumstances” and about half favour no restrictions whosoever.

Any politician who ignores the issue is hiding from reality. Not only are they disregarding public opinion, but they are carelessly ignoring the One who provides life in the first place. Jesus Christ – who is truly God in human form – came to this world to bring life.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)

Life begins at conception. Fertilization is not a mere chemical reaction. Abortion is just one more tool the devil uses to kill and destroy.

What if Christ chose to back off and tone down his message to avoid harassment, arrest, trial and crucifixion? It’s unthinkable.

Leaders may win political battles by avoiding issues, but the consequences are eternal.

Rev. Andy Cornell is the Pastor at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Dresden. Visit their website here: http://pccweb.ca/standrewsdresden/

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