Steve Brent is running for mayor in Chatham-Kent

Another candidate is running for the position of mayor in Chatham-Kent.

Steve Brent has filed his papers is will become the sixth candidate in the race.

He joins Jeff Bultje, Marjorie Crew, Reno Lachapelle, John C. Willatt and Ian McLarty

Above is the audio of the interview we did with the candidate.

Here is a press release sent out by Steve Brent:

steve brent mayoral candidate chatham-kent

Steve Brent filed his papers first thing Friday morning being the 6th person to announce their intentions to seek the office of C-K Mayor behind Jeff Bultje, Marjorie Crew, Reno Lachapelle, John C. Willatt and earlier this week, Ian McLarty.

Steve says “it is time to get this municipality working together to demonstrate to the world that we are back in business again! The business of doing business means rebuilding the Municipality to be a cost efficient, well run and financially stable environment for business growth.” He went on to say “I am talking about local business and growth partners of the community having the confidence again in the Municipality to expand existing businesses and create new business opportunities in C-K. Having a financially stable and responsible Municipality will create a favourable economic climate such that the a 3-5 person business can move to 7-10 people, the 25 person operation will have the confidence to move to 35-40 people and large enterprise will confidence and courage to grow and perhaps even diversify to create other business ventures to support their current operations.” Brent said “little of this happens now, there is too much red tape and bureaucracy that stands in the way of business growth.”

“I have been continually inspired over these last 8 years since returning to our hometown (Steve and his wife Michele were both born and raised in Wallaceburg) after early retiring from practicing with CIBC for 33 1⁄2 years to run for Mayor of Chatham-Kent. Thousands of friends, family members and citizens from all walks of life, from all ends of C-K, have urged me to lead Chatham-Kent to greater financial stability with my expertise and proven abilities from all that I have accomplished in life so far. Over the last year as well, hundreds of local businesses, farmers and several large groups and organizations have joined that urging for me to lead the Municipality in the role as Mayor.”

Steve is a very recognizable figure in Chatham-Kent for his civic engagement in the role of supporting numerous local non-profit organizations with his professional photography talents. He has donated hundreds of thousands of photographs and video for the Foundation of Chatham-Kent, Chatham Kent Women’s Centre, Canadian Cancer Society, United Way of Chatham-Kent, VON, CARP #49, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Chatham-Kent and the list goes on.

“I am in the face of the communities of Chatham-Kent all the time, not only through my practice as a Financial Advisor for Sun Life Financial but through my commitment to help our local non-profits celebrate their commitment to the residents of Chatham-Kent at countless fundraising events.”

Brent said “I am born to serve, it is my time to step to the plate and fully commitment all that I have to give, to assure that C-K’s most promising financial future becomes a reality.”

Steve noted that “it is responsibility of the voters to ensure that they elect representatives on Council that are committed to focusing on the issues that will benefit the communities that they represent.” He said “I know that, when we have a Council of like-minded and equally inspired individuals that are committed to focus on the financial future and financial well-being of the Municipality, then we are going to get a lot of positive things happening!” He said, “the enormity of the operations of the municipality cannot be understated – as CEO of the Corporation of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent you do not have the same power as a regular CEO. You have to work to inspire those in Administration to believe and follow your vision to get things done.” He said further “after over 40 years in professional financial services and business practices, I not only have a remarkable network of business professionals, I have learned that you get more done by creating synergies between like minded people and businesses to get the job done more effectively – I bring people and teams together to get it done!”

Steve said that “I will focus on residential and commercial taxes as they are to the point of pushing people and businesses away from C-K, and that trend, I am convinced, can be turned around.”

C-K’s infrastructure challenges is second on the priority list of things for Steve to wrap his head around and tackle, he said “anything can be fixed with a good process, and I have the skills to find the right processes with Administration, to create cost savings, eliminate waste and duplication without slashing departments, there has to be a way to find those efficiencies and I will be dedicated to that end!”

Lastly Brent said that he will “create an environment of transparency and accountability”. Brent said “Councillors will need to truly represent the voice of the people that they represent and they must work harder to bring to Council the true needs and wants of the people that they serve”. He said “I trust that through greater civic engagement we’ll achieve an early stronger partnership and synergy between the people and businesses within C-K and within Administration itself, for the financial betterment of the communities of Chatham-Kent”. He remarked, “I am ready to tackle the issues, big and small and to get C-K back in the business of doing business again!”

Steve is married to his wife Michele for 34 years and has “lots of family in Wallaceburg and Chatham”. His Dad was an early pioneer of metallurgy at the Wallaceburg Brass and his Mom an employee for many decades at Libby McNeil & Libby in Wallaceburg as well as their Union Steward for decades as well.

He is currently a Financial Advisor with Sun Life Insurance since 2012. He is the current Chair of Finance and Treasurer of St. Andrew’s Residence, a current board member of CARP #49 Chatham-Kent, a volunteer member of Society of St. Vincent de Paul since 1972 (Inaugural Past= President of Halton Particular Region of the St Vincent Society), past board member of the Foundation of Chatham-Kent Health Alliance (“MRi House” and “Raise the Roof” Campaigns) and Canadian Cancer Society Chatham-Kent Unit (Steve with his colleague Matt Foulis of Blenheim, were recognized in 2013 by Sun Life Financial for donating in excess of 500 hours each to the Cancer Society Chatham-Kent) and a Past President of the Niagara Home Builders’ Association (1993-1994) and Past Chair of Ontario Home Builders’ Association Provincial Conference “Niagara ‘93”).

Steve also operated a successful photography business since 1981 until 2007 when he then converted it to his charitable works. He is a member of Blessed Sacrament and St. Agnes Parish Cluster and an active member of the 3rd and 4th Degree of the Knights of Columbus in Chatham-Kent.


  1. Having worked with Steve in the past, CK would be very lucky to have a man like this as Mayor.

    A tireless worker, intelligent and incredibly likable, Steve was someone I, and everyone else, in our division of CIBC across the country looked to for leadership. For some, including myself, we looked to Steve for mentorship.

    I cannot say enough good things about Steve Brent. Even in his retirement and long after I left CIBC, he is someone I still look to with great admiration.

    Chatham-Kent: if you want a mayor with work ethic combined with honesty, integrity and respect; Steve Brent is a great choice. He may be your only choice.

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