Algae bloom closes two Chatham-Kent beaches

Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit Photo

Another algae bloom has been reported along the shore of Lake Erie, which has prompted the closure of Getty’s Beach and Pier Road Beach in Wheatley.

The Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit wish to remind residents to stay out of beach water if it appears bright green or pea soup in colour.

Dr David Colby, Medical Officer of Health, made the decision to close the beaches.

C-K officials say municipal drinking water supplies are being monitored.

The Chatham-Kent water treatment plant regularly tests for cyanobacterial toxin and can take action quickly on any health risk.

Dr David Colby, Medical Officer of Health has indicated that there is no health risk associated with the municipal water supply and the water is safe to use and drink.

Officials say the Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit will continue to work with the Chatham-Kent Public Utilities Commission, and if for any reason the safety of the water becomes compromised, the public will be notified immediately and corrective action will be taken.

Blue-green algae are microscopic plants that live in fresh water and their scientific name is Cyanobacteria.

Normally blue-green algae are barely visible, but, during warm weather, populations can rapidly increase to form a large mass called a bloom.

Blooms most commonly occur during the late summer and early fall.

Blue-green algae blooms are natural phenomena that occur in fresh water around the world.

Blooms of Cyanobacteria have been reported in various locations throughout Ontario where they are a seasonal phenomenon and tend to occur repeatedly in the same water bodies.

The growth rates of blue green algae are directly affected by levels of phosphorus and nitrogen in surface waters.

Human activities contribute to the increase in phosphorus and nitrogen in our waters through activities such as agricultural runoff, household fertilizer runoff, faulty septic systems, and improper waste management systems.

How can I recognize a blue-green algae bloom?

Dense blue-green algae blooms may make the water look like bluish-green pea soup. When the bloom is very large, algae may form solid looking clumps. Fresh blooms often smell like newly mown grass; older blooms smell like rotting garbage.

What are the potential health effects associated with blue-green algae toxins?

Itchy, irritated eyes and skin that may result from direct contact such as swimming.

If the toxins are swallowed, symptoms such as headaches, fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting are possible.

Higher levels of risk to human health are linked to ingestion of large quantities of Cyanobacteria toxins in water.

Usually people won’t drink water contaminated with blue-green algae blooms because of its unsightly pea soup appearance and foul smell.

How do I protect myself?

– Avoid activities that increase the chance of exposure to these algae blooms

– Do not drink, bathe, or shower in untreated surface water.

– Do not allow children, pets and livestock to drink or swim in the water.

– Do not cook or boil the water. Boiling may release more toxins into the water.

– Be cautious about eating fish caught where blue-green algae blooms occur; Do not eat the liver, kidneys and other organs.

– Do not treat the water with a disinfectant like chlorine (bleach). This may break open algae cells and release toxins into the water.

How does the Chatham-Kent water treatment plant deal with Cyanobacteria?

The Chatham-Kent municipal water treatment plant regularly tests for Cyanobacteria toxins in the water supply. To date they have not detected any of these toxins in the water supply.

If Cyanobacteria are detected in the water supply, treatment plants can remove them in a number of ways.

For more information on Cyanobacteria check out the Ministry of Environment webpage and Health Canada’s webpage

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