Take the ‘Self’ out of ‘Selfie’

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

Ever since the meteoric rise of social media in recent years there has been a vast influx of socially acceptable narcissism.

I am talking about about the proverbial ‘selfie’.

Everywhere you go you will see people posing behind their cell phone cameras to take a picture of themselves, which they promptly post to Facebook, Twitter, or Snapchat.

I might be wrong but it seems like we are absolutely in love with ourselves and we want everyone to know how great we are.

I ask you to consider the wise words of an ancient sage, Solomon, king of Israel.

This is what he said many millennia ago in Proverbs 27:2: “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips.”

Wow! Do we ever need to learn a lesson from this guy!

We worship at the altar of Selfie and then if not enough people like or love our status, we heap it on ourselves.

“Feeling cute” she says, or “Another monster arm and shoulders workout” he boasts (complete with close-up of aforementioned biceps).

Why do we feel the need to draw people’s attention to ourselves?

Do we really need that much affirmation to validate our worth?

The only pictures we have of Jesus are the ones people have conjured up over the years, not any selfies the Saviour posted to Snapchat.

Oh, and He’s not impressed with our feeble attempts at attention grabbing and one-upping, either.

The fact is, He loves us with an unconditional love that has nothing to do with what we offer but rather with His big heart towards us.

Trade your selfie for a picture of your mom or dad or best friend, or even a sunset, and then post, “Isn’t God great? This amazing creation is one of His!”

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