Arctic Heating and Cooling. A Clean Home is Easier to Run

With spring around the corner, homeowners are sweeping, dusting and vacuuming everywhere to get a clean start on the season.

Did you know that most household dirt goes undetected and over the years it can build up and make it more expensive to heat and cool your home?

Filter your air: We filter our swimming pools to make sure they’re free of dirt and debris – we need to do the same for our indoor air. There are two types of filters that can help you remove stray particles from your indoor atmosphere: mechanical devices that draw air through a filter and electronic devices that use different types of fields to purify the air.

Get rid of dust: Dust gets everywhere. It can even get into your home’s air ducts or your furnace’s filter. A clogged filter makes your furnace work harder, and can become a breeding ground for bacteria. If you clean your vents and your ducts, there will be less dust in the air, less work for your HVAC system, and more money in your pocket. You might be able to change the filter yourself and you should do so on a regular basis. Cleaning ducts, on the hand, takes specialized knowledge, as doe’s maintenance of electronic air cleaners.

Get the latest and greatest: If you’ve got an older house, the heating and cooling system may be less energy efficient now, costing you more money than necessary. Sometimes the best solution is to trade up to a more energy-efficient, Energy Star rated system.

If you are thinking your system is not working optimally contact Arctic Heating and Cooling at 519-627-6726 for a Preventative Maintenance Call.

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