The veterinarians at the Dresden Vet Clinic are excited to be setting up shop in Wallaceburg.
Dr. Kerry and Krista Mall are opening the Sydenham River Veterinary Office, to run in conjunction with their two other facilities the Dresden Veterinary Clinic and The Merritt Animal Hospital in Chatham.
“We decided to open a satellite office in Wallaceburg because we have a lot clients that are from Wallaceburg and area,” Krista Mall said. “There are some clients that are unable to come to the Dresden clinic because of the drive. We found our prices are very reasonable, our staff is amazing, we have a lot to offer. We can extend all of our services and everything to that surrounding community.”
The new satellite office will be opening on April 3 at their 1239 Dufferin Ave. Unit 2 location – in the same building as the Service Ontario office. The phone number for the new clinic is 519-627-7070, but people can call the Dresden office at 519-683-4508 in the meantime, or e-mail them at
Mall added basic services will be provided in Wallaceburg.
“Vaccinations, heart worm testing, minor procedures, you can still buy food,” she said. “If we have to do any blood work, or x-rays or surgery, we still provide that at our clinic in Dresden. However, we are giving the option for us to transport your pet to Dresden. So you don’t have to do any driving at all.”
Mall said the feedback they have gotten has been phenomenal.
“We have a large portion of our clients coming from Wallaceburg… so we thought we’d bring it closer to them, so they don’t have to travel as far,” she said. “We’re getting so many new people telling us that they are going to start coming to us in Wallaceburg, just because it’s much more convenient. They’ll be able to just walk their dog to the clinic.”
Mall said a special grand opening event is being planned for the early spring.