Wallaceburg’s town wide yard sale

yard sale

UPDATED STORY: The Town wide yard sale in Wallacbeurg is June 14.

Bargain hunters will be embarking on Wallaceburg in a few weeks for an annual Wallaceburg event.

The town-wide yard sale will be taking place June 7 June 14.

Wallaceburg resident Heather Gordon said it is always a good chance to get people out and about in the community.

“Especially with this past winter,” Gordon said. “It gets people out. It gets people downtown, in restaurants and it gives people a chance to look for a bargain.”

Gordon said she encourages anyone who is thinking about holding a yard sale this year, to hold it on June 7th  June 14.

“It really turns into a community event,” she said.

Wallaceburg Coun. Sheldon Parsons said the event always attracts people into the community.

“It provides an opportunity for people to sell some of their unwanted and still usable items,” he said. “It gives the community a chance to network, to talk and find a deal.”

Barbecues are often held at various locations across town as well.

The event was first started by Gordon’s late father Chip, a number of years ago.

If anyone is planning on holding a yard sale on June 7 June 14 in Wallaceburg, please send some quick details and your full address to aaron@sydenhamcurrent.ca A full list will be provided by us closer to the date!


  1. The Wallaceburg town-wide yard sale has always been traditionally the second Saturday on June ever since they started it. Why is it now being changed?

    • The second Sat. of June is the 14th. The first Sat. is the 7th of June. Tupperville's sale has traditionally been the first Sat. and is again this year.

      The second Sat. of June is the 14th. June 1 is on Sunday this year so the first Sat. is the 7th of June. Tupperville’s sale has traditionally been the first Sat. and is again this year.

  2. Thanks for your comments, David.

    I spoke with Darlene Gordon today (Chip’s wife), who told me the town wide yard sale is always held the weekend before Father’s Day weekend… which usually falls on the second Saturday, but doesn’t this year, it’s June 7.

    The same thing happened in 2008 as well, and is shown in this Letter To The Editor in the Courier Press dated Monday, August 4, 2008, penned by none other than Chip Gordon himself:


    Chip called it the biggest ever in 2008, which I think he said every year about the yard sale and the same thing about WAMBO each year too 🙂

    Chip wrote about many “success stories”, including” the Green Glow Girls raising funds for the Canadian Cancer Society (which they will be doing again), the Wallaceburg Legion raising funds for their elevator project, local churches holding fundraisers, and so on.

    I also love how he wrote “I think the number of visitors to our community can measure the success of the town wide yard sale. The town wide yard sale is a great opportunity to show off our entire community and our businesses.”

    This totally holds true today.

    I’m seeing some chatter on social media about how the event shouldn’t be held the same weekend as Dragon Boats. I say, the more people in town the better.

    Visitors coming through town not only have the opportunity to drive around for some bargains, but also join the crowd of fun downtown for the annual Sydenham Challenge and the array of activities being put on downtown by the Wallaceburg BIA.

    Win, win, win.

    However, I’d still like to issue a challenge to our community.

    As Chip mentioned, there were numerous organizations and groups and charities in need of funds back in 2008, some of those causes remain and new ones are present in our community.

    I challenge everyone in the community who is holding a yard sale on Saturday, June 7 to donate all or part of their proceeds to the Dragon Boat Festival, or the Cancer Society, or the Medical Centre project for the Chatham-Kent Family Health team expansion in Wallaceburg, or one of many others going on in the community.

    I think Chipper would give a big thumbs up to that, right after he told a joke of course.

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