Record numbers at Wallaceburg Relay For Life


Record setting numbers were revealed this morning (May 31) at the 4th annual Wallaceburg Relay For Life event.

Paul Bilodeau, chair of the committee, said a total of $49,483 was raised for the Canaian Cancer Society, and the numbers are still growing.

“The figure is awesome, this is the highest we have ever been since we started this,” Bilodeau said. “It was just phenomenal. At the beginning of the month I didn’t think we were going to make that, but the teams pulled through. We were a little low on corporate sponsorship with the economy, some of those people have cut back on their budget dollars, but a lot of them gave back towards the teams.”

Bilodeau added: “That number is only going to increase, generally in the last month there is some other dollars that do come in a little late, so I’m hoping it’s going to top $50,000.”

The event had the most amount of teams and participants in the events four-year history as well, with over 300 people taking part on 24 teams, Bilodeau said.

He said he’s proud of the hard work the committee put forward, in order to raise funds for “this awful disease.

“Everybody is touched by it, whether it is friends, family or relatives. There isn’t anyone I know that hasn’t been touched by it. I’m happy that we are able to do a little bit to raise some money to hopefully defeat it.”

Check out some photos from the event here: 4th annual Wallaceburg Relay For Life in photographs

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