Services available at Wallaceburg Wellness Centre

wallaceburg wellness centre services
Maralee Noltie, Tara Mayer, Cathy Cogghe

Aside from the classes and workshops, there are a host of services available at the Wallaceburg Wellness Centre, including: massage therapy, Labour Douala, reflexology, energetic services like Reiki or jin shin acupressure.

Cathy Cogghe, owner of the business, along with her team offer these services at their space located at 222 Wellington Street in Wallaceburg.

Massage therapy

“We have two massage therapists here, myself and Tara Mayer,” Cathy said. “We offer all levels of massage therapy, everything from relaxation to prenatal and postnatal massage and we offer massage treatments for sports injuries. We also do hot stone and deep tissue work here.”

Cathy added: “Massage therapy is becoming one of those well-known treatments that people realize help with a lot of things, whether you are dealing with an old injury from 20 years ago or a more recent injury. There can be lots of scar tissue or adhesions that we manipulate and get release from.”

“We use a lot of trigger point therapy here along with different ways to relieve pain, relieve tension and relieve restriction in their soft tissue. That is the whole goal of massage therapy, to ease pain and address any restriction throughout the body, whether it is deep tissue, or whether it is surface.”

Energetic services

“These are services that are not about manipulating muscle or tissue… a Reiki or an acupressure treatment is about helping to facilitate the energy to move freely through your body,” Cathy said. “Everybody knows what acupuncture is – it stimulates circulation, it stimulate the flow of chi in your body. Jin Shin Jyutsu or Jin Shin acupressure is the same, only you are using pressure with your fingers instead of needles to help facilitate the flow of energy throughout the body..”


“Reiki is an energetic treatment basically aiming at taking universal energy and balancing the energy in someones body,” Cathy said. “Together with your therapist, you decide what you are going to work on that day, just as you would if you were coming in for any treatment.

Cathy added: “It’s a very relaxing treatment, it can help facilitate all kinds of things – if you are looking for deep relaxation, looking at calming stress, looking for relieving anxiety, helping people sleep better, helping the immune system in the body. Once you’ve brought up the chi in someones system and helped facilitate the proper flow of energy, all sorts of things will happen in the body.”


“This is offered by Maralee Noltie,” Cathy said. “She has been providing very relaxing reflexology treatments, that is one of her signature treatments. Many people fall asleep while she is working on them.”

Cathy added: “Reflexology is designed to help release impurities in your system, to help detoxify your body and help tap into the bodies innate self-healing mechanisms by activating points along the bottom of the feet or along the hands. She also combines her treatments with other very soothing techniques, it is very quiet, very calming and it is all about helping the body to rest.”

Labour Doula

“Maralee Noltie provides full support for parents throughout the pregnancy, prenatally, during birth and the postpartum period ,” Cathy said. “A Doula is a childbirth assistant… the non-medical portion of your delivery team. Your Doula is by your side, she makes sure you have everything you need, outside of your medical needs, she takes care of you to make sure you are very supported and have all the information you need to be fully prepared for your birth.”

Cathy added: “She is there to help you and your partner make decisions if you need to. She is there to help you understand procedures. It is her job to make sure you’re well informed and well taken care of before, during and after the birthing event. She can help with lactation information, breastfeeding, sleep positions. She’s taking good care of our babies and our moms.”

Team effort

“We like to say we have a technique for just about everything,” Cathy said. “We do our best to share information and help support our clients in any way we can. If we can’t help people here, we know where to send them to or refer them to. That is really important to us. There are enough therapists in town to help everyone with every little ache and pain.

Cathy added: “Our goal always is to help educate people. If we can help them learn how to stretch, how to exercise or what they need to change in their day-to-day pattern, many times we can help them relieve old injuries that keep reoccurring or old patterns that keep showing up and causing them pain. Our goal is help them is to change that pattern and stop the pain.”

Contact Cathy at the Wellness Centre, located at 222 Wellington Street in Wallaceburg, with any questions, comments or concerns you may have:

– Phone: 519-627-WELL (9355)

– Email:

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