A little bit of kindness goes a long way

sunshine sun

From the Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

I read a story recently about a plane that was grounded at an airport tarmac due to severe weather.

The passengers were stranded without food for a lengthy period of time.

Then, out of nowhere, the pilot made a startling and most welcome announcement over the public address system.

“Although Frontier Airlines are known for their cheap rates, I am not cheap. I have ordered pizza for everyone on this plane.”

With that the flight attendants served 35 large pizzas to the 160 hungry grateful passengers.

The in flight atmosphere quickly transitioned from despair to delight from this generous act of kindness.

Kindness is transformational.

A little bit of it goes a long way.

You may not be able to buy pizza for 160 people but you can do other things in your situation.

It may be a phone call to a friend who is going through a difficult time or a visit to a lonely person in a nursing home.

It may even be something as simple as telling a check out clerk that you hope their shift goes by quickly for them.

People all around us are facing difficulties and waging battles with everything from cancer, to unemployment, to just plain having a bad day.

Kindness is a ray of God’s love shining through the clouds.

Go ahead, and spread some of it today!

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