Nurses supporting the C-K Hospice

chatham-kent hospice

Bonnie Sunnen, a retired nurse, has stepped up and organized the Chatham-Kent Nurses in support of Chatham-Kent Hospice Campaign to help raise money for the project.

Until December 1, 2014, anyone who works or has worked in the nursing field or would like to honour nurses, is encouraged to make a donation to the Chatham-Kent Hospice Capital Campaign.

The fundraising goal is to raise $50,000 by December 1st Station in the future hospice in honour of the Nurses of Chatham Kent.

An Open House Fundraiser was held last week at Aristo’s Banquet Centre and to date, almost $25,000 has been raised including donations from local doctors in honour of the Chatham-Kent Nurses.

“The group is a forum to gather all the nurses of C-K in support of Chatham-Kent Hospice through awareness, education, advocacy and donations. As nurses, we all are aware of the need for a Hospice in Chatham,” Bonnie said. “By joining this group, and recruiting your nurse friends we can promote the Hospice, and ultimately help fund this very important initiative.”

Bonnie has also started a Facebook group “Chatham-Kent Nurses in support of Chatham-Kent Hospice” and people are encouraged to join.

For more information or to make a donation call (519) 354-3113 or visit

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