Mailbox: Feedback from Dresden fainting and Wallaceburg Relay stories

sydenham current mailbox wallaceburg relay for life dresden fainiting remembrance day feedback social media comments

Here is a run down of what you will see in this weeks Sydenham Current Mailbox!

– Poll question results for: “Are you happy that the Wallaceburg Relay For Life event is moving and combining with the Chatham event?”

– Hot topic #1: Student fainting causes ‘domino effect’ in Dresden

– Hot topic #2: No one shows at Relay For Life meeting

– New poll question


“Are you happy that the Wallaceburg Relay For Life event is moving and combining with the Chatham event?”

No 85.71% (72 votes)

– Yes 14.29% (12 votes)

Total Votes: 84

dresden medical ems remembrance day service 1


Emergency crews were called to downtown Dresden to deal with multiple medical calls for students, while the Remembrance Day service was taking place.

You can read our original story here, along with our follow-up story here.

The situation stirred the community and resulted in many comments on social media.

Here are some of the comments:

Dresden Citizen said on the Sydenham Current: “how about we put the focus back on those who served for our freedoms???”

anonymous said on the Sydenham Current: “How selfish can people be like a bunch of kids faint and everyone gets mad cause ” its not news worthy ” what if there was actually somthing wrong with these kids. Im sure any body that actully cares about our country would be more worried about the kids and not the event. Anyone who faught in the war and died for our country would be a shamed to look down on us and see us put an event infront of people’s lives.”

Jodi said on the Sydenham Current: “These teens should have blood tests to determine the possible cause. This was a very dramatic event and should be taken seriously. Anyone with a child at a school who passes out along with 14 other classmates will want to know the cause of illness. Please do not judge first. People are too quick to judge because of their age, they are all very good kids who happened to fall ill. And should be give the respect of proper medical care include blood tests.”

Shaun said on the Sydenham Current: “The same thing happened in Corunna??? One of the ‘guards’ collapsed and then the other was taken out as well… Interesting!!”

Lena said on Facebook: “This just seems unusual… That is a lot of people passing out to just be a common occurance.”

Shai said on Facebook: “Wow, is this ever a downplay of events. It sounds like they are insinuating that the kids passed out because the first one passing out. There was an adult lady feel sick and pass out too. Not just students. Kids don’t pass out from eating an hour or so later than usual.”

Amy said on Facebook: “Here’s the thing… It wasn’t just students… I stood around for a long time today, walked a lot today and was over dressed for the weather and ate for the first time today around 5:30pm since 5pm yesterday… Not once did I feel ill or ready to faint… As a teenager I wouldn’t eat for 4-5 days and go running… (Healthy absolutely not but I never fainted) but again, it wasn’t just students that passed out today and I’ve read comments from one person that passed out and they are left feeling like the incident didn’t matter that it happened to them…”

Carrie said on Facebook: “They passed out from standing to long. Happens to the best of us. Did the same in Army Cadets when I was a kid and also at a wedding I was standing up in.”

Jennifer said on Facebook: “It took me a while to get my kids to understand how important breakfast is even if it is a protein shake before walking out the door. It took the doctor talking to them about the importance. They would call me from school, yes high school, they felt sick, headaches and weak. I would pick them up and ask “did you have breakfast?” no. Finally they started to eat breakfast after the doctor talked to them and the headaches and sickness were fixed.”

Sherri said on Facebook: “This very scenario happened a few years ago at a school I taught at. Identical conditions at the cenotaph–overdressed in the warm sun standing for some time and a change in eating schedule definitely affects blood sugar levels. Definitely not uncommon. Certainly strange and alarming to see. We were fortunate the local paramedics were attending the service.”


relay for life meeting wallaceburg

The seats were empty last night at the UAW Hall in Wallaceburg for a meeting organized by the Canadian Cancer Society.

Only one reporter and the organizers were on hand for the meeting, which was set to be an open forum to discuss Wallaceburg’s Relay For Life event moving to Chatham in 2015.

Here is our full story.

Here is what people had to say:

Bill said on the Sydenham Current: “wow a no-show!… are you really shocked?… and I bet there is no thoughts to reconsider the move… I guess they will have to wait and see at the event that this decision is the worst thing that could have happened… chatham gain and small towns loss again!”

John said on Facebook: “Point proven! Kudos to the residents of Wallaceburg for finally standing up against Chatham! If they took a back seat to something like this who knows what would move to Chatham next. I like to see this! Good job wallaceburg.”

Mary said on Facebook: “Just another reason why, I do not shop Chatham.”

Adam said on Facebook: “Why not hold the event in Wallaceburg instead of Chatham… Imagine that kind of world.”

Lorraine said on Facebook: “What was left to discuss. .. the decision was already made.”

Stacey said on Facebook: “Perhaps residents of Wallaceburg are just used to this sort of thing…”

Henrie said on Facebook: “I’m going to say what I think a lot of people are thinking. Last year we did the whole 9 yards. Car wash, yard sale, BBQ, online auction and so many more things. My team worked for four months on this, and money is tight with all the other fundraisers going on. We managed to raise $4500.00, but I know that my team leaders gave a lot of their time. As a business we also donated to Relay both in Wallaceburg and Blenheim. Somebody in an office makes a decision to take it away from Wallaceburg? My feelings really aren’t hurt. There are enough good causes I can participate in right here in Wallaceburg.”

Emma said on Facebook: “Wallaceburg and chatham should have never been amalgamated. The only place benefiting from this is Chatham and it is obvious to see. The surrounding towns within Chatham-Kent are all suffering. I think it is ridiculous that Chatham holds so much power yet continuously takes from everywhere else.”

Emily said on Facebook: “Its so upsetting to see this taken away from our community, we have watched this event grow over the last couple years in Wallaceburg . Our team raised $6500 last year for the Wallaceburg Relay for Life, I’m sad to say we wont be participating in Chatham’s. We found it really brought a sense of community to Wallaceburg to see and support each other here in our small town where everyone knows everyone and can support each other fighting this disease. Having had Cancer affect our family, I choose to support Cancer research so it is sad that we wont be fundraising for this event.”

Nick said on Facebook: “The meeting was not to discuss if we should not keep it town or not . They told us they were moving it. I would have attended and really wanted to but with a busy schedule I could not with only one day notice. I personally think it will be a large lost for the Cancer Society. I just hope that the town stays strong and find another charity to support. This small community always has a big heart and always give. I just hope when the Cancer society regrets not wanting Wallaceburgs support and funds that we don’t welcome them back with open arms because we have chosen another great charity that wanted our support and wants to be apart of this community . Didn’t Wallaceburg surpass its goal last year?”

Julie said on Facebook: ” I think a lot of people don’t bother showing up if they feel their opinion isn’t going to matter and the decision is already made. Doesn’t excuse it, but it may have been how people felt.”

Doug said on Facebook: “Maybe the 10,000 people in Wallaceburg and the other 5-7000 in the surrounding area are just tired of this stuff??? The only place in this Chatham- Kent BS that has benefited is Chatham. People just don’t even bother anymore.”

Patricia said on Facebook: “You know, I have stopped supporting the cancer society. First most of the $ raised goes to admin, advertising etc. a very small amount goes into research and to help the patient. Also the money raised does not stay in the community. People with cancer still have to pay for certain cancer medications, have to find transportation to and from treatments and is not very helpfull to cancer patients. Why give money to a huge organization like the cancer society. They are not a charity that gives the money back to those that need help. I would rather support someone who has cancer by seeing they have rides to treatments, can pay for the drugs and things that help keep these people more comfortable, than giving to a multi million dollar company/organization.”

Lori said on Facebook: “its sad The Canadian Cancer Society made the decision before asking for community input but as far as the Wallaceburg/Chatham issue those decisions are made by Council and Mayor and the powers that be make the decisions that effect our town and are voted in and not even half the town voted in the past election…if u don’t like whats going on in our community then we ALL have to make an effort together, the election was one of the biggest chances to let it be known.”

John said on Facebook: “Only my opinion but every organization knows how poorly attended these meetings are going to be when it is an issue that is not off the top of the charts. Anyone shocked is not telling the truth on their expectations. You want to have a real Q&A or focus group – talk directly to those that camped out at WDSS last year.”


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This poll is also posted on the homepage of the Sydenham Current!

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