‘Snow kitty’ made in Wallaceburg

Do you want to build a snowman?

How about a snow ‘kitty’?

A young girl in Wallaceburg got creative when playing out in the snow with her mother this week.

Holly, 8, and her mom Melanie MacQueen-Fish went out to play in the snow and came up with this feline creation

Yesterday, the pair decided to add some colour with a little bit of paint.

Has anyone else made a sweet looking snow ‘creation’ this season?

Send us the photos to aaron@sydenhamcurrent.ca or 519-365-1079.

Here are some submitted photos of Holly’s snow kitty:

snow kitty wallaceburg holly 1

snow kitty wallaceburg holly 3

snow kitty wallaceburg holly 2

snow kitty wallaceburg holly 5

snow kitty wallaceburg holly 4

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